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What Can We Do?

Yes, we humans have been part of the problem. But we’re also part of the solution!

It all depends on the way we think — about ourselves, about one another, and about our relationship with nature. We can think of ourselves as separate from and dominant over the natural world, or we can think of ourselves and part of and interdependent with it. We can think of our human diversity as what divides us, or we can think of our fundamental unity in diversity. We can think of nature as a warehouse of resources, or we can think of it as a giver of life.

Sometimes it only takes a “aha!” moment to shift from one perspective to the other and to discover a whole new set of human values: biocultural values.

That’s what we at Terralingua have been tirelessly working for: bringing about a paradigm shift in the way we all think that will make us recognize the “inextricable link” between people and nature, our shared humanity in all of our guises, and the fundamental value of biocultural diversity for the thriving of all life on earth.

Combining knowledge and action through research, education, outreach, and advocacy, we have helped raise global awareness of the vital importance of protecting and sustaining diversity in nature and culture. And we have witnessed more than a few of those transformational “aha!” moments along the way.

biocultural diversity
biocultural diversity

But change of this kind doesn’t come in a day. Much more remains to be done. Join us in this effort!

Be part of the solution to one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced.

Together we can!

Photo Credits

Top – © Nutandai Trakasupakhon
Bottom – © Yasuyuki Morimoto / Bioversity International

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