Restoring and Sharing: 7 Recipes for Thriving in the Symbiocene

A path to a world of abundance, respect, and reciprocity is open to us — if we follow Indigenous ways of coexistence with the more-than-human. In our hearts, we all know it: we are at a crossroads in human history, and we are faced with a choice between two paths. One leads down a spiral

Seeking a Communications Coordinator

POSTING NOW CLOSED: Terralingua is seeking an independent contractor to support our organization with its social media and external communications needs on a part-time basis. If you’re someone who has education or equivalent work experience in communications and if you have an interest in cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, and biodiversity — aka biocultural diversity —

My Grandfather’s Fight to Save Brunca Culture Runs in My Blood

A young Brunca historian follows her grandfather’s lifelong example of resisting colonialism and protecting the biocultural diversity of her people. WORDS María Lázaro │ IMAGES María Lázaro and Jessica Lázaro [Esta es una versión modificada del original en español. Traducción de Andrea Vargas y Peter Tonkin. — Ed.] [This is a modified version of the original

La huella de Cristino Lázaro Rojas, indígena bruncájc

Una reflexión al pasado para un ordenamiento en el futuro REDACCIÓN María Lázaro │ IMÁGENES María Lázaro y Jessica Lázaro [This story also exists in a modified English version. Translation by Andrea Vargas and Peter Tonkin. — Ed.] [Esta historia también existe en una versión modificada en inglés. Traducción de Andrea Vargas y Peter Tonkin.

FirstVoices Celebrates 20 Years of Indigenous Languages

For Terralingua, the links between nature, culture, and language are inextricable, yet also vulnerable to the homogenizing effect of globalization and a handful of dominant languages. Diversity in all its forms is a precondition to long-term ecological resilience — not only for Indigenous lands and cultures but also for our entire planet. We refer to

Changes to Langscape Magazine Subscriptions

After careful consideration, we are making some changes to the way we offer Langscape Magazine. Since we moved from producing two annual issues of the magazine to only one, double-sized annual issue per year, there simply hasn’t been enough of a good reason to continue to offer subscriptions. And many of our supporters have clearly

Year-End Message from Dr. Luisa Maffi

Dear Terralingua Friends and Supporters, If you are like me, these days you may be asking yourselves how to keep a positive outlook in the midst of one of the darkest periods in recent history! With war raging on several fronts, social and political tensions and strife all over the world, the ravages of climate

Donate to Support Biocultural Diversity!

People often ask us what they can do for biocultural diversity. These are people who know full well that diversity in both nature and culture is vital for the survival and thriving of life on this planet. Yet, they feel overwhelmed by the existential crisis we face here on earth: climate change, biodiversity loss, ecosystem

Get Our Latest Issue of Langscape Magazine!

For this issue of Langscape Magazine, we asked our contributors some thought-provoking questions: Can we have rights without responsibilities? Is today’s predominant focus on rights distracting us from paying attention to the other side of the coin: our fundamental responsibilities toward one another and toward the earth? Can we achieve a biocultural resurgence — a

Send A Story for Our Next Issue of Langscape Magazine

We’re inviting Expressions of Interest on the theme of “Territories of Life: Sources of Biocultural Diversity, Resilience, and Self-Determination” for Langscape Magazine, to be published in 2024. [UPDATE: The Call for Stories is Now Closed] “Territories of life” includes — but is not limited to — Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) and Indigenous Protected