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For this issue of Langscape Magazine, we asked our contributors some thought-provoking questions:

  • Can we have rights without responsibilities?
  • Is today’s predominant focus on rights distracting us from paying attention to the other side of the coin: our fundamental responsibilities toward one another and toward the earth?
  • Can we achieve a biocultural resurgence — a renewed flourishing of life’s diversity in nature and culture — by claiming our rights alone?
  • Or do we need to reconnect to an ethic of responsibility that once was the hallmark of human communities all over the world?

Langscape Magazine 12

In this issue, you’ll find answers from Indigenous and non-Indigenous contributors around the world. Their stories convey their ideas, reflections, and on-the-ground experiences about the interplay of rights and responsibilities and how that dynamic contributes to fostering a biocultural resurgence.

Read the Table of Contents and the Editorial to see what this thought-provoking contains.

Langscape Magazine is a 160-page, ad-free, full-color feast for the mind and the eyes!

The PDF is available to download for US$10.

Print copies are available for US$30 + shipping and will mailed in October 2023. We have only a small handful remaining.