Abraham Ofori-Henaku (Akan) is a young Ghanaian communications professional who loves storytelling both as an art and a craft. He holds a bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of Media Arts and Communication, Institute of Journalism (formerly, Ghana Institute of Journalism). He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Public Relations with Marketing in the same institution.
Abraham’s personality is a blend of melancholic and sanguine — two sides of him that are heavily reflected in the way he deeply connects with the world, through his stories. When he’s not at work or school or creating memories with loved ones (including friends), he’s either in the comfort of his bed watching his favorite sitcoms or getting lost in a good book, or getting hitched by his solitude and writing out his personal-lived experiences and thought pieces on the environment, culture, arts, and perspectives on controversial social topics.
He also enjoys dancing, swimming, and occasionally creating content on social media. Abraham is an easygoing, humble, friendly, and curious young gentleman who cares for nothing more than simply being the voice that inspires others to tell their stories. And he hopes to set that example through his works.