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Contribute a Story

The Indigenous Youth Storytellers Circle (IYSC) is an ongoing Terralingua project that aims to amplify the voices of young Indigenous people from all over the world. Since 2019, we have been gathering and sharing stories by Indigenous youths about the ways in which they are (re)connecting with their ancestral languages, cultures, traditional knowledge, and lands.

If you’re a young Indigenous person up to 35 years old, we invite you to join the Circle!

Your story can be about any of the following four areas, or any combination of them. We are interested in hearing how you are:

re-affirming your cultural identity

breathing new life into your ancestral language

reconnecting with your people’s ways of life and traditional values, knowledge, and practices

reclaiming your ancestral links with the land

Submissions Closed

We are not currently accepting submissions for the Indigenous Youth Storytellers Circle (IYSC). Please email Akshara if you are interested in sharing a story after the deadline or check back in early August. In the meantime, you can read Indigenous youth stories we’ve already published.

Read on, and then submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) through the form on this page!

Proposed stories can be in written and/or visual media: essays, short fiction, poetry, photo essays, videos, postcard stories, podcast scripts, music, spoken word, artwork, or any other format or combination of formats.

Before you submit your EOI, we suggest that you read some of the Indigenous youth stories we’ve already published.

Then fill out the EOI form on this page. (If your proposed story will be created by several youths, choose just one of them to fill out the form.)

We’ll review your EOI, and if we wish to invite you to submit your story, we’ll give you instructions about how to send us your story, depending on its format.

If accepted, your story will be published on our IYSC page and will remain permanently available online along with other Indigenous youths’ stories.

Your story can be submitted in English, French, or Spanish. If accepted, it will be published in English. We can translate French or Spanish into English.

NOTE: You can also propose a story on the specific theme of the next issue of Terralingua’s Langscape Magazine. Visit Langscape Magazine’s Call for Stories, which has the same deadline.

Stories submitted and accepted for Langscape will be published online. In addition, they will have a chance to be included in the print version of the magazine.

Whether it is published in the IYSC or in Langscape, your story will reach an international audience!

Expression of Interest (FOI) Form:

Problems or questions? Email Akshara, our Editorial Coordinator.

We are grateful to the Reva and David Logan Foundation, the Swift Foundation, Lush Charity Pot, the MakeWay Foundation, the New England Biolabs Foundation, and a major anonymous donor for their generous support.

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