Have you had a look at Volume 8 of Langscape Magazine yet? This special issue showcases the fruits of our new Indigenous Youth Storytellers Circle (IYSC), an initiative we launched last year in partnership with the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages. Here’s a little glimpse inside:
The IYSC provides a venue in which Indigenous youth around the world and here at home can share their stories through our flagship publication. Worldwide, young Indigenous people are reclaiming their diverse biocultural heritage—their languages, cultures, and homelands, which bear the wisdom of generations of ancestors. We wanted to hear how these valiant youth are working to restore (and “re-story”) this precious heritage.
We launched the IYSC in 2019 with an open call to Indigenous youth. The response was amazing: over 50 talented young writers, poets, artists, filmmakers, and photographers, representing nearly 20 different countries, sent us their work for publication. We’re proud to share the outcome in Volume 8 of Langscape Magazine—a special 160-page, full-color, ad-free issue that celebrates the voices of these remarkable young creatives and leaders.
You can read Langscape 8 stories online for free. We hope you enjoy them. And if you wish to support our continued efforts to share Indigenous voices far and wide, you are welcome to order a print or PDF copy, or subscribe to the magazine. Your support means a lot to us and will be much appreciated!
We also want to let you know that the IYSC is still going strong. This year we’ve gathered new Indigenous youth stories, which we are sharing ahead of publication in the next Langscape issue. Interested in submitting your story? Read more about the IYSC and sign up for our e-news to receive our next IYSC Call for Contributions.
Questions or feedback on the IYSC and/or Langscape Magazine? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line anytime.
We look forward to sharing more stories with you!