Our Projects

Over the years, Terralingua has engaged in a variety of projects to increase understanding of biocultural diversity and has developed tools to assess, document, and conserve it. We have contributed to protecting biocultural diversity through international policy and raising awareness of it through our educational initiatives and our outreach publication, Langscape Magazine. Also, we have lent support to Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ efforts to maintain and revitalize their ancestral languages, cultures, and connections with the land.

Explore these projects and find the abundance of materials we’re making freely available!

Stories from all over the globe celebrating the bounty of diversity in nature and culture

IYSC - C. Mittermeier WaiWai

The Indigenous Youth Storytellers Circle features inspiring stories from Indigenous youths worldwide

Indigenous knowledge

Supporting Indigenous Peoples’ efforts to reclaim their languages and cultural traditions

biocultural diversity

A wealth of resources and tools for understanding and
sustaining biocultural diversity

biocultural diversity

An integrative approach to teaching and learning
about biocultural diversity