What is biocultural diversity? If you’re new to the idea, or if you’d like to learn more about it, this is a good place to find some of the resources you need. You can download our introductory publications, An Introduction to Biocultural Diversity (Vol. 1 of our 5-volume digital primer, the Biocultural Diversity Toolkit) and the educational booklet Sharing a World of Difference: The Earth’s Linguistic, Cultural, and Biological Diversity, which we produced in collaboration with UNESCO. You can watch a lively video that takes you through the ideas and their applications, Language, Culture, and the Environment: Thinking Out of the Silos. Or you can go deeper by delving into our pioneering book On Biocultural Diversity: Linking Language, Knowledge, and the Environment, which explores the idea in theory and practice and lays the foundations for this integrative field of knowledge and action.
You’ll gain greater understanding of the “inextricable link” between humans and nature, and find out why biocultural diversity is crucial to the vitality and resilience of people and our planet and to achieving human development that is in true harmony with the natural world. You will also learn about the complex economic, political, and social changes that are weakening the biocultural fabric of life, and about action needed to counter this trend.