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Reverence, Respect, and Reciprocity: Cornerstones of Biocultural Diversity.

Langscape Magazine Volume 11  |  2022


Greetings from the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco
İnanç Tekgüç

The Cheruvayal Raman Effect
G. S. Unnikrishnan Nair

Making Kin: The Interconnected Lives of the Mising People of India
Suprita Chatterjee

China: Traditions, Diversity, and Our Shared Future
Thomas Hou

Protected by Prayer: Reverence, Respect, and Reciprocity at the Heart of Sacred Natural Sites in the Mediterranean
Liza Zogib and Sandra Spissinger-Bang



Countravāl l’Aigo / Against the Current
Daniela Boccassini

Being in, and with, Biocultural Landscapes: Alternative Visions
Michael Davis

Reverence for Nature: A Biocultural Journey in Botanical Gardens
Maria Albuquerque, Jacquie Kwok, Chantal Martin, Hailey Moran, Gladys Runtukahu, Poh Tan, and David Zandvliet

Trees or Us?
Barbara Derrick

Apricot Tree
Chang Liu

Language, Culture, and Land: Lenses of Lilies
Dawn Wink

No Native Bones
Abraham Ofori-Henaku



Indigenous Resilience and Regeneration: Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization during the Global Pandemic
Conversation with Radhika Borde, Simon Mitambo, and Luisa Maffi
David Stringer

Weaving Reverence, Respect, and Resilience into the Amazon Forest
Clare Dowd, Isabel Carrió, and Leah Struzenski

Decolonizing Regenerative Agriculture: An Indigenous Perspective
Interview with A-dae Romero-Briones
Arty Mangan

Yu-ba-na-u-re: Sowing Seeds to Heal the World
Kana Koa Weaver Okada

Yarning on Country: Reinvigorating Biocultural Diversity of Australia
Sophie Zaccone, David Doyle, and Mark Lock


Living-Language-Land: Listening  to Nature in Languages Not Our Own
Philippa Bayley and Neville Gabie, with Missinak Kameltoutasset (Marie-Émilie Lacroix) and contributors to Living-Language-Land

Deep Questions to Ask Planet Ocean
Gary Paul Nabhan

The Plants Must Also Be Paid
Lee Beavington

The Wild Symphony: Making Music with the Ancient Voices of the Amazon
Diego Samper

Web Extras.

Recognition: How to Keep Biocultural Diversity Alive
Purabi Bose


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