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Table of Contents

The Other Extinction Rebellion: Countering the Loss of Biocultural Diversity

Langscape Magazine Volume 9  |  2019

Food and Fun in the Forest: An Indian Village Turns to Nature during a Pandemic-Induced Lockdown
Radhika Borde and Siman Hansdak

Finding Resilience in the Time of COVID-19: The Pahari Bamboo Weaving Craft in Nepal
Manju Maharjan, Yuvash Vaidya, Prakash Khadgi, and Sheetal Vaidya

Muriira: Reviving Culture, Nature, and Ritual in Tharaka, Kenya
Simon Mitambo

Guardians of the Forest: Can Securing Indigenous Land Rights Help Combat Climate Change and Prevent the Next Pandemic?
Daniel Henryk Rasolt with artwork by Vannessa Circe


Contesting Racism and Discrimination

The Frontline of Ideology on Mauna Kea: Kapu Aloha’s Example for the World
Harvy King

As Violent as Words: An Innu Woman’s Thoughts about Decolonizing Language
Marie-Émilie Lacroix interviewed by Marco Romagnoli

Land needs Language needs Land
Chloe Dragon Smith

No More Invisible People on Secret Committees: An Aboriginal Man’s Fight for Cultural Safety
Mark Lock interviewed by Stephen Houston


Women as Defenders

Ainbon Jakon Joi: The Good Word of an Indigenous Woman
Chonon Bensho with Pedro Favaron

Hvala—Thank You: A Meditation on Reclaiming My Croatian Heritage
Sylvia Pozeg

The Gift: Healing Mother Earth with Indigenous Women’s Wisdom
Barbara Derrick

Iawá: The Unfinished Kuruaya Symphony
Miguel Pinheiro

La Marabunta in Brazil: Indigenous Women as Biocultural Diversity Defenders
Thor Morales


Youth Rising

My Extinction Rebellion through Education: A Young Dohoi Woman’s Message
Lina A. Karolin

Mist on the Mountain
David J. Rapport

Happening to Us: Amplifying Youth Voices from the Arctic
Text by Maéva Gauthier
Video by Jasmine Gruben, Brian Kikoak, Carmen Kuptana, Nathan Kuptana, Eriel Lugt, Gabrielle Nogasak, and Darryl Tedjuk

Building Leadership through Reconnection: The Latin American Academy for Food Systems Resilience
Yolanda López Maldonado

My Oxygen
Fauzi Bin Abdul Majid

River of Brown Waters
Laissa Malih

Please Talk to Me! I Am a Stranger Until You Talk to Me
Edna Kilusu

This World Is Made for You
Darryl Whetung


Fighting for Nature and Culture

Pura Vida: Costa Rican Peasants Fight for a World That Contains Many Worlds
Felipe Montoya-Greenheck

The Dam Departed
Teja Jonnalagadda

Fighting Deforestation with Tradition: The Laman Kinipan Festival in Borneo
Pinarsita Juliana

Farming Is Fighting: A Dayak Community Resists Unjust Regulations and Land Privatization
Meta Septalisa

The Through Line: Lacandón Maya, Their Forest, and the Future
James D. Nations

To the Roots: A Maya Reunion
Steve Bartz

No Word for Goodbye: Reclaiming Abalone’s Home on the California Coast
Jacquelyn Ross

Locking Horns to Save the Sacred Cow: India’s Indigenous Pastoralists Fight for Their Livelihoods and Cultural Traditions
Kanna K. Siripurapu

Is the Environment for Taking From or for Giving To? A Young Indigenous Economist Finds Answers in His Own Culture
Prafulla Kalokar with Kanna K. Siripurapu

Drawing the Line at the Black Line: The Indigenous Sages and Stewards of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Guillermo Rodríguez Navarro


Web Extras.

Pandemic Perspectives: A Selection of Posts from Terralingua’s Blog

Manju Maharjan, Ceren Kazancı, Gisèle Maria Martin, Lina Karolin, Chonon Bensho and Pedro Favaron, Radhika Borde and Siman Hansdak, Yolanda López Maldonado, Abraham Ofori-Henaku Asamani Yaw


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