
In the Land of the River-Mirrors: Dialogues about “Bee-cultural” Diversity

biocultural diversity

by Walter Gabriel Estrada Ramírez and Juan Manuel Rosso Londoño Origins Walter I was born on the 2nd of May, 1989, in the Guadalajara community, along the Paca River in the Colombian Vaupés, Northwestern Amazon. I belong to the Siriano ethnic group as for my father-line, and my mother belongs to the Bará ethnic group

In the Land of the River-Mirrors: Dialogues about “Bee-cultural” Diversity

biocultural diversity

by Juan Manuel Rosso Londoño and Walter Gabriel Estrada Ramírez Origins Juan I was born in 1975 in Bogotá, Colombia, surrounded by the high summits of the northwestern Andes. The growing city was my main playground, but I retain my countryside experiences among my best early memories. My father’s hands and voice guided me in