
The Nyishi Fly on the Hornbills’ Wings

Removed from their lands by a tiger conservation project, Indigenous villagers in Northeast India reconnect with their forest home through hornbill conservation. WORDS AND IMAGES Upayan Chatterjee  . “If we choose to walk into a forest where a tiger lives, we are taking a chance.” Searching online for images captioned with this famous Peter Benchley

Restoring and Sharing: 7 Recipes for Thriving in the Symbiocene

A path to a world of abundance, respect, and reciprocity is open to us — if we follow Indigenous ways of coexistence with the more-than-human. In our hearts, we all know it: we are at a crossroads in human history, and we are faced with a choice between two paths. One leads down a spiral

Where Elephants Drink: Water Bodies and Human–Elephant Coexistence

Water patterns and an ancient human–elephant social contract hold important lessons for eco-justice. WORDS AND IMAGES Elizabeth Oriel     A brief walk by three water bodies in rural southern Sri Lanka is a tour through history and through different ways of relating to landscapes and to other beings. Amid teak and jackfruit trees sits