
A Journey into the Heart of Dayak Farming

After two decades in the city, a young Dayak woman reconnects with the land and the traditional farming practices of her ancestors. WORDS AND IMAGES Sumarni Laman . At the heart of the Dayak Ngaju community of Borneo lies a farming tradition deeply intertwined with nature — a practice so harmonious that it forms a

Food and Culture

A young Naga woman connects with her Indigenous identity through the art of cooking while studying away from her homeland. Kikarenla Jamir . I come from the Naga Indigenous tribe of Northeast India. We have been identified as a minority and recognized as “the Other” because we are different from the “mainlanders” of India physically,

Yu-ba-na-u-re: Sowing Seeds to Heal the World

Reviving traditional crops and food culture is vital to repairing people’s relationship with the land. Kana Koa Weaver Okada   Nna-ma-matsu Tani-nu-du-yo The seed that we sow now Ju-gatsu-matsu Awa-nu-do-yo The awa seed we sow in the tenth month (chant) Yo-ya-te-ba Yu-ya-na-u-re If they grow well, we will have a good harvest Sa sa Hou-nen

Deep Questions to Ask Planet Ocean


The search for a sea grain known for centuries to an Indigenous people provokes deep questions and insights. WORDS Gary Paul Nabhan | IMAGES Juan Martín   We come back to the sea, humbly, not with answers but with deep questions. Our eight-meter-long boat sets out into the emerald waters of the Sea of Cortés

The Cheruvayal Raman Effect

Cheruvayal Raman

Against the odds, a tribal farmer in southern India strives to conserve and share dozens of indigenous rice varieties. WORDS AND VIDEO  G. S. Unnikrishnan Nair | IMAGES  Anvar     It is widely known that rice is the staple food for half the people on earth. In Asia, it lies at the very heart of the

Decolonizing Regenerative Agriculture: An Indigenous Perspective

Native Farm to School program

Interview with A-dae Romero-Briones A conversation about the need to decolonize regenerative agriculture by acknowledging Indigenous Peoples’ land stewardship. Arty Mangan Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that build healthy soil, increase biodiversity, and improve watersheds. It can also mitigate climate change by drawing down carbon from the atmosphere and storing

In the Abode of the Clouds: Biocultural Diversity of Meghalaya, India


WORDS Raynold Lyngdoh IMAGES Raynold and Anne Lyngdoh Nestled in the more secluded northeastern region of India are several unique tribal groups, each diverse and distinct in their own right. Every group faces immense challenges in maintaining their linguistic and cultural diversity, as globalization and external influences perpetually challenge and erode the age-old traditional practices

A Chicken for Every Occasion: Exploring the Significance of India’s Native Poultry Breeds

WORDS Kanna K. Siripurapu and Sabyasachi Das IMAGES Chandrasekhar Nemani and Kanna K. Siripurapu A few months ago, I received a document written by my colleague Uday Kalyanapu about the success of a backyard poultry project in the tribal-dominated areas of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The project was started by WASSAN (Watershed Support

To the Roots: A Maya Reunion

A film by Steve Bartz . To the Roots: A Maya Reunion. Video: Steve Bartz, 1998. Watch film credits. We present this film by the late filmmaker Steve Bartz as a complement to Jim Nation’s story. Shot in 1998, the film chronicles a historic encounter between the Lacandón Maya and a group of Itza Maya

Food and Fun in the Forest: An Indian Village Turns to Nature during a Pandemic-Induced Lockdown

Radhika Borde and Siman Hansdak Once upon a time, growing up as an Adivasi in rural Jharkhand in eastern India meant learning what the forest could provide in terms of nourishment, education, and enjoyment— as for Adivasis, a group claiming an Indigenous identity, the forest was a context for living rather than a resource to