
¡Seeking Volunteer Spanish Translators!

Terralingua is seeking one or more Volunteer Spanish Translators to support our organization’s communications. Do you have professional experience translating documents from English to Spanish, from Spanish to English, or in both directions?  And do you have an interest in cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, and biodiversity — aka biocultural diversity? Then this may be an

“The Thriving of All Life on Earth”: Terralingua’s Origin Story

Terralingua is in a race against time to change how we understand cultures, languages, and nature. . The Leap From “Biodiversity” to “Biocultural Diversity” So, you are at a party and the chit-chat is starting to wear you down. If only you could steer the conversation into a new and interesting direction! Sensing a break

The Language of the Environment: A Comparative Environmental Thesaurus

Project Contributor: Fulvio Mazzocchi The “Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus” (EARTh) project, carried out by the Institute for Atmospheric Pollution at the National Research Council in Italy, is developing an advanced tool to be used for environmental information management and environmental policy and research. The project’s aim is to increase awareness among policymakers of the complexity

Strengthening Culture and Conservation through Intangible Heritage and Performing Arts: The “Dance for the Earth and for Her Peoples” Initiative

Project Contributor: Robert Wild The concept for the “Dance for the Earth and for Her Peoples” initiative originated at the 2003 World Parks Congress and has been taken forward by the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and the Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) through the Theme on Indigenous and Local

Worlds of Difference: Local Culture in a Global Age

Project Contributor: Jonathan Miller Homeland Productions is an independent, non-profit journalism cooperative in Tucson, Arizona, USA, specializing in radio documentaries. Its mission is to illuminate complex issues through compelling broadcasts, articles, books, and educational forums, and to foster freedom of expression and creative risk through the media arts. Homeland reaches tens of millions of radio listeners