
Mangroves, Education, and Recovery of the Territory: Biocultural Diversity in Bahía Solano, Colombia


WORDS Felipe Rodríguez Moreno and Norma Constanza Castaño Cuéllar IMAGES Felipe Rodríguez Moreno Bahía Solano is a municipality located in the Chocó District on the Pacific coast of Colombia, which over the past decades has undergone profound social and cultural transformations. A decree by the Colombian government created Bahía Solano as an agricultural colony in

Mangroves, Education, and Recovery of the Territory: Biocultural Diversity in Bahía Solano, Colombia

biocultural diversity

Text by Felipe Rodríguez Moreno & Norma Constanza Castaño Cuéllar Photos by Felipe Rodríguez Moreno Bahía Solano is a municipality located in the Chocó District on the Pacific coast of Colombia, which over the past decades has undergone profound social and cultural transformations. A decree by the Colombian government created Bahía Solano as an agricultural