
When Home Becomes a Protected Area: The Udege People and the Bikin River Valley in the Russian Far East


WORDS Aleksandra Bocharnikova IMAGES Aleksandra Bocharnikova, Tatjana Bocharnikova, and Alexei Kudryavtcev The Sikhote-Alin is a mountain range in Russia’s Pacific Far East. This territory contains one of the largest unmodified temperate forests in the Northern hemisphere. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states that its protected areas are “considered to contain the

You Need to Carry the Torch of Light

D’ulus Mukhin

D’ulus Mukhin (Even, Russian Federation), interviewed by Galya Morrell IMAGES Galya Morrell “As a child,” says D’ulus, “I was beaten at school on a daily basis. My classmates thought I was ugly. They did not like the shape of my eyes, and my ears were too big for them. I don’t hate my bullies; I

When Home Becomes a Protected Area: The Udege People and the Bikin River Valley in the Russian Far East


by Aleksandra Bocharnikova The Sikhote-Alin is a mountain range in Russia’s Pacific Far East. This territory contains one of the largest unmodified temperate forests in the Northern hemisphere. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states that its protected areas are “considered to contain the greatest plant and animal diversity on the north-western