
Educational Intelligence: Learning about Place and Country through Aboriginal Art and Activism in Sydney, Australia

by Stephen Houston “We have survived the white man’s world.” —from the song “We Have Survived,” written and performed by Bart Willoughby with the Aboriginal band No Fixed Address, 1981 Despite the intensifying market pressures on land and the lifeworld, the power of Country as a living and sustaining force is re-asserting itself in Australia—that

Editorial | Rebuilding Sense of Place: At Home, and In the World

Langscape Magazine 4-2

The People’s Issue, Part II Langscape Magazine Volume 4, Issue 2, Winter 2015 . “Home is where you hang your hat,” goes a popular saying in the English language. That is, home is where you make it to be, where you feel comfortable, regardless of where you were born or brought up. I can hardly think