We are deeply committed to participating in righting the wrongs of colonialism and of the oppression and forced assimilation of Indigenous Peoples worldwide, by engaging in not only reconciliation but also reconcili-action.
PDF – Langscape 8 DOUBLE Issue
Young Indigenous people from around the world answered our call for stories. They shared videos, photos, artwork, and narratives about how they are reaffirming their cultural identities; reconnecting to their ancestral languages, traditional knowledge and practices, values, and ways of life; and reclaiming ancestral links with the land.
This special double issue of Langscape Magazine is 160 pages, ad-free, and full colour! Most of its stories were drawn from the Indigenous Youth Storytellers Circle, a Terralingua project developed as a contribution to the United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages.
Find out what’s inside: read the Editorial and the Table of Contents.
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