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Dear Terralingua Friends and Supporters,

It’s the end of another year in which the world has been in turmoil. With multiple conflicts still raging, mounting social and political tensions everywhere, and growing threats to democracy all around, it seems that the old world order — unjust and destructive as it has been — is being remade as we speak, and not necessarily for the better. Human rights are still being trampled. Climate change is making its effects increasingly and ever more rapidly felt and environmental degradation is ever more rampant, in spite of the lofty-sounding “commitments” and “aspirations” solemnly expressed by the community of nations. We are recklessly unraveling the biocultural web of life.

Why is this happening? The fact is that, all too often, human responsibilities toward one another and toward the earth are being forgotten, and more and more people seem to have become oblivious to an inescapable reality: we are a part of, not apart from, the natural world that sustains us and all of life — and what we do to nature we’re doing to ourselves.

Does all this mean that things are hopeless and we might as well give up? Not at all, if you ask me! Far from that, for those of us who care — as I know you all, like us at Terralingua, do — it’s rather time to double down on our efforts to bring about a new world order that is better than the old one that’s crumbling before our eyes. This is the challenge of our times, no doubt about that! But it’s also, just as unquestionably, the opportunity of our times: the opportunity to usher in the new, bioculturally rich and healthy reality that’s seeking to pop up through the cracks…

The work we do at Terralingua gives me the rare joy and privilege to see that reality push to emerge, stubbornly, every single day. If you feel a bit down and discouraged, pick up (whether literally — in print — or figuratively — online or in PDF) a copy of Langscape Magazine, and you’ll see what I mean! Take the case of this year’s issue, Vol. 13, on the theme of “Territories of Life” as sources of biocultural diversity, resilience, and self-determination: story after story is clear testimony of the courage and tenacity of people all over the world who are working tirelessly in defense of the land- and seascapes that give life to them and their communities, and who champion the languages, cultures, worldviews, and knowledge systems that sustain their relationship with one another and with the natural world.

Or read some of the stories in our Indigenous Youth Storytellers Circle, or follow the posts by our intrepid Indigenous Youth Ambassadors (#indigenousyouthstorytellerscircle on social media), and take comfort in knowing that there’s a new, global generation of diverse people who are truly committed to changing the world!

For nearly 30 years now, we at Terralingua have in turn been staunchly committed to do everything we can to usher in that new world. Your support is crucial to sustaining our efforts. Please donate if you can. Thank you from the heart from all of us in the Terralingua family!

Wishing you a peaceful holiday time and a new year filled with unity in biocultural diversity,

Luisa Maffi